Start your US business today
Make your US business a reality from anywhere in the world without dealing with complicated legal forms and processes
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Form your company in 24 hours
We are an experienced and trusted one-stop shop helping people worldwide start their US business in a matter of days in compliance with all legal rules through our easy-to-use platform
Here to help
We help you choose the right state and entity type for your company from the get-go
No hidden costs
Flat-rate fees, no hidden costs
Easy to use
We make the complex legal documents and processes easy for you
Nationwide coverage – we form companies in all 50 states
What we offer
Flat-rate fees, no hidden costs
Ensure your company is legally compliant with US laws
Ensure your company is legally compliant with US laws
Open your US company effortlessly from anywhere in the world
Open your US company effortlessly from anywhere in the world
Get all necessary documents in one place
Get all necessary documents in one place
Start your company in 24 hours
Start your company in 24 hours
See what our clients have to say
How it works
You answer a few short questions
We suggest the state and entity type for your company
We take care of all paperwork
You start running your business
Which entity type is right for me?
We guide you through the selection process

LLCs are entity of choice for most small businesses. Over 80% of US small businesses are LLCs because an LLC has less requirements and offers more flexibility to owners while providing the same liability protection as a corporation.
LLCs are entity of choice for most small businesses. Over 80% of US small businesses are LLCs because an LLC has less requirements and offers more flexibility to owners while providing the same liability protection as a corporation.

Which state should I choose?
We have nationwide coverage forming companies in all 50 states. Here are a few key differences:
All others
What makes us different?
We shift the focus to you and help you form a company tailored to your needs.
Startco is unique from all other companies that offer business formation services. We have developed a tool that allows us to suggest the best state and entity type (ie. LLC / C-Corp / S-Corp) for your needs. Unlike our competitors who ask you to choose whether you wish to form a Corporation or an LLC and ask you to tell them which state to form your company in, we help explain the driving forces behind these decisions so that you can make the best decision for you and your business.
Simply put, the difference is that we shift the focus to you and your needs, and help you tailor your company to your needs.